Avoid the Buddhist dog adoption guilt trip

So, here’s a little piece of free advice for you.

If you ever find yourself in the city of Changchun, and you happen to wander into a Buddhist temple, avoid engaging the monk in a conversation about how he has adopted 10,000 street dogs to prevent them from getting slaughtered, because he will try to convince you to adopt 100 of them, and will guilt trip you if you refuse. Even if you insist that there’s no way in hell that the DEA would ever let 100 street dogs from China into America, he won’t believe you. 

Believe me, you just don’t want to go down that road.

The search continues…

…for a palatable airplane meal. This time, I chose “Asian Vegetarian.”

From China to the US, the food wasn’t bad.

Dinner: random Indian yellow goop. Spicy and tasty.

Dinner: random Indian yellow goop. Spicy and tasty.


Snack: tomato and cucumber sandwich, apple. Not bad.


Lunch: fried noodles, salad, fruit. Not bad.

From the U.S. to China was where things went bad.


The best meal of the flight: a Bloody Mary to steel my nerves for what is to come.


Lunch: tofu teriyaki, flavorful and interesting. The noodles were terribly overcooked. Yuck. Salad and fruit were OK.


I had to read the package to know what I was “eating.”


Snack: carrots and grapes. Not bad, but boring.


“Breakfast:” the same Falawful that I had with the halal meal a few months ago. Yuck! Salad and fruit.

So far, it seems that food on flights out of China is OK. The food that originates from the U.S. is pretty bad.

Egg Psyche

Everyone who has eaten a box lunch 便當 on a Taiwan train knows this evil trick. Now the Chinese airlines are playing the same cruel joke!

Mmm, a stewed egg. How wonderful! How generous of them to give me a whole egg!

Mmm, a stewed egg. How wonderful! How generous of them to give me a whole egg!

Trickery! Trickery!

Trickery! Trickery!

Funny Food in Beijing

I was in Beijng for a few days this week to attend a conference at the embassy. Nearby is a street that the local employees call “food street.” There are a lot of small restaurants with interesting names.

I love Chinese food, but sometimes I crave pulled pork, tacos, and pizza.

I love Chinese food, but sometimes I crave pulled pork, tacos, and pizza.

There is no Chinese character for this noodle dish, so they write it in English" biang biang" noodles.

There is no Chinese character for this noodle dish, so they write it in English: “biang biang” noodles.



No judgement from me.



This place has pretty good hummus.



Snow on the Palace

We had a good snowfall yesterday, and the sun came out today, so I rushed to the local palace museum this morning to take some photos. The hardest part was waiting to get shots with no people in them. Because this is China, that was really hard to do.











GuGongWinter5-r50 GuGongWinter4-r50





I also got to capture the local snow removal methodology. A developing country that has a lot of people and not so much money uses a different approach to snow removal than we use in the U.S.

Staying warm in Harbin

I managed to stay warm at the ice festival, thanks to layers of clothing and hand and foot warmers.

Mittens, not gloves. The little pockets for hand warmers were cute, but I wound up stuffing the thing right into the mitten for extra effectiveness.

Mittens, not gloves. The little pockets for hand warmers were cute, but I wound up stuffing the thing right into the mitten for extra effectiveness.

Foot warmers. They stick right to your sock. Genius!

Foot warmers. They stick right to your sock. Genius!

Flannel-lined jeans are a genius invention, but I added a layer of silk long underwear.

Flannel-lined jeans are a genius invention, but I added a layer of silk long underwear.

The flask of bourbon that I brought helped, too. 🙂

The Ice Bar

As part of the ice festival, the hotel constructed a bar made of ice.

The ice bar.

The ice bar.

I ordered a shot of vodka, and asked it to be poured into my glass through the ice trough.

The ice trough. It cools the drink waaaay down.

The ice trough. It cools the drink waaaay down.

The vodka was poured into a cup made of ice.

It was good vodka. Was it worth $10? Probably not. However, it was probably worth $10 to enjoy a shot of vodka served in an ice cup, poured through an ice trough, inside a building made of ice.

Adventures in airplane food

I’m not a so-called foodie, but I do like to eat, and bad food makes me sad. With that information, it isn’t hard to imagine how I feel about airplane food. The word “sad” doesn’t cover the breadth of my sadness or the range of my feelings.

My son Ian said that he recently tried requesting a special meal on a flight, so I thought that I’d try that on my recent trip from China to the U.S. I requested a Halal meal.

One thing that you should remember when requesting a special meal: You will get your meal first, before the crew starts throwing their slop to the rest of the hogs. Ha ha, funny juxtaposition of “Halal” with “hogs.” Religion humor.

On the flight from China, the Halal meal was standard Chinese food. The only difference that I could notice was that there was never a dessert with the meal. I got some fruit instead. Other than that, the food was unremarkable. Not bad, but not great, either. But that wasn’t the real test. Airplane food within Asia and originating from Asia tends to be much better than food on flights that originate from the U.S. If a special meal is going to be better than regular plane food, it would be most noticeable on a flight from a U.S. airport.

So, with great anticipation, I awaited the first meal on my flight from Detroit to Beijing.

I thought that it was funny that although the airline’s website listed the meal request as “Halal,” the flight crew and the label on the food used the term “Moslem.” Not to be nit-picky, but my understanding is that “Moslem” refers to a person who believes in the religion of Islam. If that’s true, then food shouldn’t be called “Moslem” food. I don’t think that my meals believe in any religion.

First meal. The name looks like it is Indian food.

First meal. The name looks like it is Indian food.

The "Skillet bread" looks sort of like Naan. Doesn't taste like Naan.

The “Skillet bread” looks sort of like Naan. Doesn’t taste like Naan.

The taste was pretty good. The entree was spicy, and although it was strange, the naan was still edible. All in all, much better than the usual food that I eat on planes.

The second meal service was a small snack. Usually we get a ham sandwich. Ham is definitely not Halal, so I was expecting something different.

Here’s what I got: grapes and carrots.

The most boring an unimaginative snack in the history of snacks.

The most boring and unimaginative snack in the history of snacks.

Grapes and carrots wouldn’t ordinarily be too bad. I like fresh fruit and vegetables, and you don’t get very much of those on an airplane. However, these were probably the worst grapes that I’ve ever had in my life. They were very astringent: eating them made my tongue feel dry, and my teeth felt like they were wearing wool socks. They were literally hard to swallow. I thought maybe they were coated with something, so I washed them off, but that didn’t make them any better. The carrots were also very dry. Disappointing snack!

The final meal service was a light lunch.

Falafel? Try "fal-awful!"

Falafel? Try “fal-awful!”

This one was a disaster. I think that it was trying to be a falafel, but it tasted just bad. The cooked carrots weren’t any better. The salad and fruit were OK, but I couldn’t eat the entree. I ate some of my own food that I brought with me to make up for this disappointing meal.

So, the Halal meal experience was one for three. It got off to a great start, but then it went down, waaaay down, from there.

Next time I will still request a special meal, because although this experience wasn’t great, I still had one edible meal on the plane. If I had eaten the regular food, I would have had three bad experiences. Next time I’ll try something different, maybe a Hindu meal.

Home for the holidays

One of the benefits of serving overseas is R&R. The purpose of R&R is to ease the stress of living in a foreign country. I am currently taking an R&R.

The benefit isn’t very big. The benefit really only consists of a plane ticket to a specific R&R location. For people serving in China, the location is Sydney, Australia. I chose to go home instead. I have to use my vacation time to cover time away from the office. Luckily for me, there are several holidays within the two weeks that I am on vacation.

So I am home for Christmas. Being back together with my family is a wonderful feeling.

My to-do list for this time back in America largely consists of food that I want to eat. My wife made her marvelous lasagne for my first dinner home. We’re off to a great start.