
There is a wide variety of sausage in the local markets. On a whim, I decided to try some. I bought two varieties: a hot and spicy “garlic crispy”, and “special class ham” sausage. I thought that maybe one kind would be a good lunch meat option. Boy, was I wrong.

Do. Not. Eat. This.

Do. Not. Eat. This.

I could go into detail about how bad they tasted, but sometimes it’s better to leave the past in the past.

The Chinese people have no reason to fear a sausage shortage after a rush on the market from a certain bearded hungry foreigner.


MONS beer

Here’s another example of me being an idiot.

Shortly after arriving in China, I noticed this very popular brand of beer. It was everywhere, possibly because it’s cheap. The name struck me as very strange, though. Why would anyone name a brand of beer “Mons?”


“MONS” beer?

I tried it, and was not very impressed. It’s a very light, mild beer. Not bad, very drinkable. but I think the main selling point is the price: ¥3 per can, about 50¢.

The name was still strange, though. What the heck was the significance of Mons?

Then one day I turned my head the other direction, and realized what an idiot I am.


Now you know what SNOW looks like upside-down.

You don’t have to tell me, I already know: I’m an idiot.