Out and About in Shenyang
Strange coat of arms
I understand that street food vendors may be proud of their product, and may want to commemorate their wonderfulness with a banner. It also makes sense to put the name of your product on the banner as well.
Unfortunately, if your product is stinky tofu, your banner will read: “stinky.” Not the most impressive coat of arms, in my opinion.
A holiday, a milestone, and a park
Yesterday, August 8, was Chinese Fathers’s Day. It’s the 8th day of the 8th month, and when you say 88 in Chinese, it sounds like 爸爸 (“Baba”), which means “Dad” in Chinese. Both of my sons called and wished me happy Father’s Day. I have great kids.
Today, August 9, marks three months since I arrived in China. That’s 1/4 of a year and 1/8 of the length of my tour here. In some ways the time has been passing quickly. Work is busy and interesting, I’m learning a lot and I feel that I’m making a contribution. At the same time, being separated from my family is hard.
This morning I snuck into the Hyatt hotel in town. The hotel is right next to a park. Here’s a view of the park from the 25th floor:
Stealth proselytizing
Someone wrote on a one-yuan note how great Falon Gong is. It’s a sneaky way to spread the word.
Chinese train stations : American airports
I read the other day that 1/4 of all train traffic is in China. The train system in China is extensive and well-run. Train stations here remind me of airports in the US.
The song of the summer
This song, “å°è‹¹æžœ,” (“Little Apple”) is the hot song of the summer. Every store is playing it. You literally can’t escape it. Lately, I hear it about twice a day at a minimum.
Official Video:
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