Oreos have invaded the China market. And like many things that enter a new market, Oreos have mutated.
In addition, because it’s China, the mutation is over the top. We have many flavors of Oreo to choose from: original flavor, reduced sugar, green tea (blech), banana (blech), “ice cream” (what the heck?), strawberry-blueberry (intriguing), reverse (white cookie, chocolate stuff), lemon cheesecake (I had to buy that one to try it, sounds good), “birthday cake” (is that even a flavor?), grape-peach, vanilla, strawberry, and double chocolate.
At the very least, you have to admit that they’re bravely trying new approaches to the market.
Have you tried buying two packages at once yet?
We have several of those flavors here as well, including birthday cake (very, very sweet) and peanut butter (yum).
The lemon ones come and go from my store, but I buy them when I see them. They are the best oreos ever!
The peanut butter ones are, of course, God’s gift to PMS-ing women everywhere.