My favorite campsite on Isle Royale is called Moskey Basin. It’s located at the innermost part of Rock Harbor.
There are shelters right on the water. Shelter #3 is the best:
The shelter is on a large rock face, which goes right down to the water. It’s like having a big front porch that ends at the water’s edge.
We got there early, and spent the day relaxing and enjoying the island.
We had a full moon that night. The moon rose over the outer island right in front of our shelter.
Well rested the next day, we set off on the trail. We walked over 10 miles that day, which is a long hike on the rugged trail.
One of the high points on the Greenstone Ridge is Mt Ojibway. We enjoyed the views of the island, Lake Superior, and Canada off in the distance.
Another high spot is Mt Franklin (named after Ben, I think). No safety rail, 1000 feet straight down, and three hours’ hike to a ranger station. That’s why I’m not standing any closer to the edge!
On our last night on the island, we tried the housekeeping cottages in the Rock Harbor area. They are very expensive, and pretty spartan, but after three nights on the trail, it was wonderful to take a hot shower.
On our last day, we took a boat tour of Tobin Harbor.
Fog rolled in that morning, showing another look at the island.
The weather was bad on our drive back to civilization. It rained almost all way back from Copper Harbor to East Lansing. Driving across the Mackinac Bridge in the rain is not fun.
Another Isle Royale trip is done. I have been there three times now, and I can’t wait to go back. Evan is talking about a solo trip next year, so I think he loves it there as much as I do.